Saturday 29 October 2016



My name is Patricia de Nalda, a Primary teacher who is being trained to become an English Secondary teacher.
First of all, I am going to present myself.

Who am I?
As I have said before, I am a Primary teacher of 23 years old. I finished my degree on Primary Education two years ago and now, I want to continue learning about this profession, but a step forward.

Why am I here?
So, it is not difficult to explain why I am here. I love teaching. I love learning. I love students. But these four years have passed very fast and I feel like I need to learn more. Now, I am older, and I can see different things I could not see before, when I started. Moreover, I do not want to close possibilities in my future. I would like to experience every stages of Education. And that is why I am here.

Why do I really want to be a teacher?
I answered myself this question 6 years ago. And I still think the same. I want to be a teacher because I want to show all the things I did not receive when I was at school. I want to show students how important and interesting can be learning a new language.

What are my expectations on the subject?
The word “innovation” communicates a lot of things. Innovation is the future. All around us has been innovated. Why not education? We cannot continue teaching like 50 years ago, in the same way that we do not see TV in black and white.
I wish I learn a lot of things about innovation in the classroom. I would like to open my mind and become more creative, as it is an essential requirement to be a teacher.