Friday 6 January 2017


Multiple intelligences

Almost 80 years after the first intelligence tests were developed, a Harvard psychologist named Howard Gardner challenged this commonly held belief. Saying that our culture has defined intelligence too narrowly, he proposed in the book Frames of Mind (1993) the existence of seven basic intelligences Then he added an eighth and discussed the possibility of a ninth. He suggested that intelligence has more to do with the capacity of solving problems and fashioning products in a context-rich and naturalistic context.

Seeing this, I can say that I am very intelligent establishing relationships, with others (interpersonal), but also with myself (intrapersonal).
This means that I am a person who likes being in contact with other people, sharing feelings and experiences. But also, I am good understanding my feelings and emotions. Therefore, some qualities I could have are empathy, sensitivity, self-confidence, etc. 

Other qualities I can highligh about myself are the linguistic and the naturalistic. According to the first one, I feel comfortable when I present my ideas, (orally or written). Moreover, I like languages, how they are organised and other elements such as syntax, lexicon... 
According to naturalistic, I consider myself a person who enjoys with the nature, visiting beautiful landscapes. I also like animals

However, I am not good at logical-mathematics. Certainly, I always avoid problems which need a lot of reasoning, because I lose in specific details. Moreover, I do not like calculations and numbers.

And you, what is your best intelligence?
Click here and find your most developed intelligences 

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