Thursday 12 January 2017



The term "learning styles" speaks to the understanding that every student learns differently. Technically, an individual's learning style refers to the preferencia way in which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information. For example, when learning how to build a clock, some students understand the process by following verbal instructions, while others have to physically manipulate the clock themselves. 

This notion of individualized learning styles has gained widespread recognition in education theory and classroom management strategy. Individual learning styles depend on cognitive, emotional and environmental factors, as well as one's prior experience. In other words: everyone's different. It is important for educators to understand the differences in their students' learning styles, so that they can implement best practice strategies into their daily activities, curriculum and assessments. 

In my case, according to these results, we can say that: 

I am a little more active learner than reflective. This means that I tend to retain and understand information best by doing something active with it, such as applying or explaining it to others. "Let's try it out and see how it works", more than "Let's think it through first". I prefer group work than working alone. 

I am much more sensing learner than intuitive. It means that I tend to like learning facts, more than discovering possibilities and relationships. I prefer solving problems by means of well-established methods and I don't like complications and surprises. 

I am practically as visual as verbal learner. But a bit more visual. It means that I remember things either through visual (pictures, diagrams, films or demonstrations) or verbal (words, written texts or explanaitions). 

I am practically as sequential as global learner. But a bit more global. It means that I tend to gain understanding either in linear steps or in large jumps. I like absorbing material randomly without seeing connections and suddenly "getting it", but I also work following logically steps from the previous one. 

And you, what are your learning styles? 
Click here and make this questionnaire in order to know your results.

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