Thursday 24 November 2016



In groups, we read the story aloud and each time appeared a character, we shouted a phrase about this character. For example, with the PRINCE, we said: HOW HANDSOME YOU ARE!

Metaphor: trainerella has to train hard in order to achieve her dream, which is to have a perfect classroom. There are methods, performed by characters such as Grammatranslation (Grammar Translation), Behaviourel (Behaviourism)... which are helpful but not definitive. 

The best solution is to find our best COMBINATION OF METHODS: OWN METHOD

Game: our world. We were divided in groups, according to our living places in CV. But, suddenly, we received a WhatsApp warming us that a meteor is about to crash the CV.  We left the classroom shouting and full of fear.  

After all the panic, in order to relax from the shock, our trainer provided us with a "COOL DOWN" session. It consisted in a BREATHING TECHNIQUE (The Zen technique)

Mental imagery, or the picture in your mind's eye, can help you regroup and relax. Picture an idyllic and peaceful scene, such as a meadow or a beach, and use all of your senses. Do you smell jasmine in the air? Can you hear the birds singing and feel the light breeze on your skin? Your body can’t tell the difference between a thought and a real event, so bring your peaceful scene to mind the next time you’re feeling anxious. This "mini vacation" will help you feel refreshed, as if you’d really visited to a tropical paradise.

Thursday 17 November 2016



Variety of instructional techniques used to move students progressively toward stronger understanding and greater independence in the learning process. The term itself offers the relevant descriptive metaphor: teachers provide successive levels of temporary support that help students reach higher levels of comprehension and skill acquisition that they would not be able to achieve without assistance.

Scaffolding is widely considered to be an essential element of effective teaching, and all teachers certainly use various forms of instructional scaffolding in their teaching.  

  •      Show and tell
  •      Tap into prior knowledge
  •      Give time to talk
  •      Pre-teach vocabulary
  •      Use visual aids
  •      Pause, ask questions, pause, review

Various instructional activities we will use to engage students with the material and enable them to meet the objectives. 
  • Active learning
  • Cooperative learning
  • Critican thinking
  • Discussion strategies
  • Games, simulations
  • Humor
  • Guided learning
  • Learning communities
  • Mobile learning
  • Problem-based learning

It is the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help.
Vygotsky stated that a child follows an adult's example and gradually develops the ability to do certain tasks without help.Vygotsky and some other educators believe that the role of education is to give children experiences that are within their zones of proximal development, thereby encouraging and advancing their individual learning.


Wednesday 16 November 2016


Things you have to do when enter in a classroom

-    1. DIAGNOSIS: to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses.
      Tools: observation, diagnosis tests or reading the reports of the previous years.
     When we enter in the classroom, we have to be very good observer
        2. TREATMENT
        3. ASSESSMENT

-      Game: mirror
    By means of this game, we could see how observer we were. It consists in repeating the movements that our partner is doing, as if we were a mirror. 

   One partner was observing us, trying to identify the person and the mirror. Sometimes, people did this very good, so the person who observed had to be very concentrated to find it. 
-      Aims: To develop concentration & observation skills, empathy, to work on non-verbal communication, to anticipate another’s thinking and action

    - After that, to see again how good we were observing, we watched a video about an INVISIBLE GORILLA. 
    - We were asked to be count the times that a ball was passed among children. I was so concentreated in this that I could not see the Gorilla. 
    - Reflection: I have to improve my skills observing. 

Classroom management II:

In this part of the lesson, roles changed. We stopped being learners and we became teachers. We received papers in which some tips about classroom management were described. Our task was to explain these tips to the classroom as if we were teachers. 
After that, we made them questions, and they received an invisible ticket if they were correct. 

GAME: we made two groups. Papers about classroom management were spread in the table. One trainee (Luis) guided the game. He decided who had to explain the content of the paper and we were changing roles. 
When we finished the game, we should write statements on a paper about classroom management (True or False). With these statements, we tested some volunteers. 

 And this is all, and nothing more! As you can see, we can learn lots of things about teacher training in a different and amusing way!

Thursday 10 November 2016



Task 1: On your own, think back to your school days & identify one of your best classes. Now write down a few notes in answer to the following questions:

   1.     How was the classroom arranged?
   We were seated in pairs, making 4 or 5 lines. The teacher was in front of us, with the blackboard behind.

   2.     How was the class managed? 
     The teacher explained the subject but at the same time, he was constantly asking us questions, our opinion, and giving us opportunities to predict the topics. He caught our attention because he was moving around the classroom, making eye contact with each one of us.

   3.     What were three things you liked about the classroom? 
-      The teacher was constantly asking questions and promoting our participation.
-       The teacher was very funny, made us laugh during the lessons.
-       He created a free atmosphere, where we could say what we think without being embarrassed of mistaking.

   4.     What were the main problems in that classroom? 
-       You needed to be totally concentrated in order to answer his question
   5.     How were they handled by the teacher? 
The problems of concentration were handled by the teacher doing some question to us and "throwing" someone a chalk.

    6.    How did you feel as a learner in that classroom?
-    I felt important; the teacher always listened to me and gave importance to my contributions in class.

7.    Describe some of the learning activities in that classroom
To fill in a mind map in the blackboard.

8. What were the rules & procedures in the classroom?
He explained the lesson and we asked questions.

9. Why was that classroom so different from others?
Because this teacher was very funny and creative when he talked and made the topic interesting for us, or at least, for me. 

10. Was there any misbehaviour in your classroom? If so, describe it
Yes, there was a boy who disrespected teachers. He did not mind shouting or saying swear words.

Tuesday 8 November 2016


What is a learning contract?

Classroom management is part of a teacher’s daily work activity.  Sometimes the focus is on managing the entire class, at other times the focus is on only one student. 

An effective technique which increases the probability of a positive outcome for the student is to negotiate a learning contract with that student.  

A learning contract is an agreement established between a student and the teacher.

It specifies concrete learning and/or behavioural objectives for the student that all parties agree need to be achieved. 


Name: Patricia de Nalda Rivera

·      These are my goals:

ü  According to attendance, I will attend at least 80 per cent of class sessions. If I miss some classes, I will have a reasonable justification.

ü  According to participation in the classroom, although I’m very shy and I get very nervous when I talk in public, I will do the effort in order to participate at least once a day.

ü  According to the group work, I will do everything possible to have a good relation with my classmates and I will take part as an active member of the group.

ü  According to coexistence, I will be respectful to my classmates and the teacher

ü  According to individual work, I will complete the assignments taking into account what we have been learning during the lessons and trying to relate this information with other readings.

These are my consequences if I don’t meet my goals:

o   I will lose the opportunity to learn more about the subject (teaching strategies, innovative resources, etc.) and then, the opportunity to apply the new knowledge in my future.

o   I won’t get good marks.

o   As much the teacher as me won’t feel proud of my work.

These are the rewards if I meet my goals:

·      I will learn more and gain more experience in teaching. So, in the future, I will have more strategies and resources to use in a classroom.

·      I will get good marks.

Saturday 5 November 2016


How can we meet new people?

This was the first thing we did in this subject: getting to know each other. We are going to be together during this course, so it is necessary to start knowing our classmates. 

In order to meet each other, we play different funny games: 

-       Say your name as if you were a toddler (niño)
-       Shouting across the playground
-       You are bored of saying it so many times
-       You are coming around after an operation
-       Find someone who…

We also played the animal scramble: we were animals and we have to imitate their sound around the classroom. The goal of the activity was to find animals like us and form groups. 


 Reasons for becoming a teacher
- Love teaching 
- Love children
- Qualities: funny, have empathy, enthusiastic, optimistic...

Current teaching job
 Private English lessons at home
Non-teaching jobs
 Not one
Problems with teaching
 overload, nerves and sometimes, lack of self-confidence
Teacher training
 University of Primary Education 
Minor of Globalization and diversity in Education
Pleasures from teaching
 Gratitude, smiles, amusement, satisfaction
First teaching job
 not yet
Future plans
 Primary or Secondary teacher in a state School. 

1. By the end of this course I want to be able to ... feel more confident when teaching and have creative and innovative resources to apply in my lessons

2. I learn best when ... when I do not have pressure and I share the knowledge with my classmates.

3. When we do group work... I like to share my ideas and try to improve other ideas of the members.

4. The whole point of coming to class is... to have fun and learn at the same time

5. Once in my life I'd like to ... teach abroad

And this is it for today ... we will continue getting to know each other and sharing/learning experiences together