Thursday 10 November 2016



Task 1: On your own, think back to your school days & identify one of your best classes. Now write down a few notes in answer to the following questions:

   1.     How was the classroom arranged?
   We were seated in pairs, making 4 or 5 lines. The teacher was in front of us, with the blackboard behind.

   2.     How was the class managed? 
     The teacher explained the subject but at the same time, he was constantly asking us questions, our opinion, and giving us opportunities to predict the topics. He caught our attention because he was moving around the classroom, making eye contact with each one of us.

   3.     What were three things you liked about the classroom? 
-      The teacher was constantly asking questions and promoting our participation.
-       The teacher was very funny, made us laugh during the lessons.
-       He created a free atmosphere, where we could say what we think without being embarrassed of mistaking.

   4.     What were the main problems in that classroom? 
-       You needed to be totally concentrated in order to answer his question
   5.     How were they handled by the teacher? 
The problems of concentration were handled by the teacher doing some question to us and "throwing" someone a chalk.

    6.    How did you feel as a learner in that classroom?
-    I felt important; the teacher always listened to me and gave importance to my contributions in class.

7.    Describe some of the learning activities in that classroom
To fill in a mind map in the blackboard.

8. What were the rules & procedures in the classroom?
He explained the lesson and we asked questions.

9. Why was that classroom so different from others?
Because this teacher was very funny and creative when he talked and made the topic interesting for us, or at least, for me. 

10. Was there any misbehaviour in your classroom? If so, describe it
Yes, there was a boy who disrespected teachers. He did not mind shouting or saying swear words.

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