Thursday 24 November 2016



In groups, we read the story aloud and each time appeared a character, we shouted a phrase about this character. For example, with the PRINCE, we said: HOW HANDSOME YOU ARE!

Metaphor: trainerella has to train hard in order to achieve her dream, which is to have a perfect classroom. There are methods, performed by characters such as Grammatranslation (Grammar Translation), Behaviourel (Behaviourism)... which are helpful but not definitive. 

The best solution is to find our best COMBINATION OF METHODS: OWN METHOD

Game: our world. We were divided in groups, according to our living places in CV. But, suddenly, we received a WhatsApp warming us that a meteor is about to crash the CV.  We left the classroom shouting and full of fear.  

After all the panic, in order to relax from the shock, our trainer provided us with a "COOL DOWN" session. It consisted in a BREATHING TECHNIQUE (The Zen technique)

Mental imagery, or the picture in your mind's eye, can help you regroup and relax. Picture an idyllic and peaceful scene, such as a meadow or a beach, and use all of your senses. Do you smell jasmine in the air? Can you hear the birds singing and feel the light breeze on your skin? Your body can’t tell the difference between a thought and a real event, so bring your peaceful scene to mind the next time you’re feeling anxious. This "mini vacation" will help you feel refreshed, as if you’d really visited to a tropical paradise.

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