Saturday 5 November 2016


How can we meet new people?

This was the first thing we did in this subject: getting to know each other. We are going to be together during this course, so it is necessary to start knowing our classmates. 

In order to meet each other, we play different funny games: 

-       Say your name as if you were a toddler (niƱo)
-       Shouting across the playground
-       You are bored of saying it so many times
-       You are coming around after an operation
-       Find someone who…

We also played the animal scramble: we were animals and we have to imitate their sound around the classroom. The goal of the activity was to find animals like us and form groups. 


 Reasons for becoming a teacher
- Love teaching 
- Love children
- Qualities: funny, have empathy, enthusiastic, optimistic...

Current teaching job
 Private English lessons at home
Non-teaching jobs
 Not one
Problems with teaching
 overload, nerves and sometimes, lack of self-confidence
Teacher training
 University of Primary Education 
Minor of Globalization and diversity in Education
Pleasures from teaching
 Gratitude, smiles, amusement, satisfaction
First teaching job
 not yet
Future plans
 Primary or Secondary teacher in a state School. 

1. By the end of this course I want to be able to ... feel more confident when teaching and have creative and innovative resources to apply in my lessons

2. I learn best when ... when I do not have pressure and I share the knowledge with my classmates.

3. When we do group work... I like to share my ideas and try to improve other ideas of the members.

4. The whole point of coming to class is... to have fun and learn at the same time

5. Once in my life I'd like to ... teach abroad

And this is it for today ... we will continue getting to know each other and sharing/learning experiences together

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