Wednesday 16 November 2016


Things you have to do when enter in a classroom

-    1. DIAGNOSIS: to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses.
      Tools: observation, diagnosis tests or reading the reports of the previous years.
     When we enter in the classroom, we have to be very good observer
        2. TREATMENT
        3. ASSESSMENT

-      Game: mirror
    By means of this game, we could see how observer we were. It consists in repeating the movements that our partner is doing, as if we were a mirror. 

   One partner was observing us, trying to identify the person and the mirror. Sometimes, people did this very good, so the person who observed had to be very concentrated to find it. 
-      Aims: To develop concentration & observation skills, empathy, to work on non-verbal communication, to anticipate another’s thinking and action

    - After that, to see again how good we were observing, we watched a video about an INVISIBLE GORILLA. 
    - We were asked to be count the times that a ball was passed among children. I was so concentreated in this that I could not see the Gorilla. 
    - Reflection: I have to improve my skills observing. 

Classroom management II:

In this part of the lesson, roles changed. We stopped being learners and we became teachers. We received papers in which some tips about classroom management were described. Our task was to explain these tips to the classroom as if we were teachers. 
After that, we made them questions, and they received an invisible ticket if they were correct. 

GAME: we made two groups. Papers about classroom management were spread in the table. One trainee (Luis) guided the game. He decided who had to explain the content of the paper and we were changing roles. 
When we finished the game, we should write statements on a paper about classroom management (True or False). With these statements, we tested some volunteers. 

 And this is all, and nothing more! As you can see, we can learn lots of things about teacher training in a different and amusing way!

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