Tuesday 8 November 2016


What is a learning contract?

Classroom management is part of a teacher’s daily work activity.  Sometimes the focus is on managing the entire class, at other times the focus is on only one student. 

An effective technique which increases the probability of a positive outcome for the student is to negotiate a learning contract with that student.  

A learning contract is an agreement established between a student and the teacher.

It specifies concrete learning and/or behavioural objectives for the student that all parties agree need to be achieved. 


Name: Patricia de Nalda Rivera

·      These are my goals:

ü  According to attendance, I will attend at least 80 per cent of class sessions. If I miss some classes, I will have a reasonable justification.

ü  According to participation in the classroom, although I’m very shy and I get very nervous when I talk in public, I will do the effort in order to participate at least once a day.

ü  According to the group work, I will do everything possible to have a good relation with my classmates and I will take part as an active member of the group.

ü  According to coexistence, I will be respectful to my classmates and the teacher

ü  According to individual work, I will complete the assignments taking into account what we have been learning during the lessons and trying to relate this information with other readings.

These are my consequences if I don’t meet my goals:

o   I will lose the opportunity to learn more about the subject (teaching strategies, innovative resources, etc.) and then, the opportunity to apply the new knowledge in my future.

o   I won’t get good marks.

o   As much the teacher as me won’t feel proud of my work.

These are the rewards if I meet my goals:

·      I will learn more and gain more experience in teaching. So, in the future, I will have more strategies and resources to use in a classroom.

·      I will get good marks.

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